Getting amazing photographs of your children can be a real struggle. It’s either they don’t want to look at the camera at all, they don’t want to smile, or you get this fake cheesy smile from them…am I right?
Am gonna jump right in and tell you why you get those cheesy smiles. It’s because the adults around them taught it to them. Think back, when you start into your sweet baby’s face and say smile, are you wearing a natural smile on your face or a cheesy one? Human beings are mimickers by nature. It is how we learn. So we learn from an early age to say CHEEESE when the camera points at us. But let’s be honest, do any of us really like the way we look when we say CHEEESE???
So below are 3 quick useful Photo-Session tips that will help you get more natural smiles and fun photos from your littles.
Ok, I am sure you saw that one coming, but I beg of you, please don’t tell your kid to say cheese. Use words of nouns the love, like ice cream or dinosaurs, cupcake, rainbows, cookie…basically any word that is going to make them genuinely laugh or smile. If you’ve hired an experienced photographer, they know how to capture these moments quickly. If you’re using your phone, you can use the “Single Take” mode on an Android or “Burst Mode” on an iphone, which will capture a burst of photos and/or videos.
Look at this sweetheart, this most definitely isn’t a a “say cheese” moment. It is her just being her and having some fun.
I know we all want to look our best, but we also want to make sure that everyone is comfortable, especially the little ones!
Each of these sweet families has their own unique look, yet you can tell that everyone is pretty comfortable…except for the teenage boy in the red shirt, but that’s another story, lol.
Never force your kiddo to wear something they hate…it won’t end well. I promise
The number one struggle when photographing young kids and even teens is when parents start bugging their offspring to do this or do that. Sometimes threatening to take something away if they don’t behave. Often these negative reinforcements actually do the opposite of what’s intended.
Kids, heck adults tend to want to do exactly what they are told not to do. The trick that newbie photographers often don’t know, is that sometimes we have to ask the parents to step aside and let us connect with the children in an authentic way. When kids feel free to have fun and relax THAT’S when the magic happens, when those amazing genuine smiles occur.
Whether you decide Summer Bear Photography is a good fit, or another photographer, I do hope these tips help ensure that your next family portrait session goes well!
If you love what you see check out more about our family and children’s portraits right here:)
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I am so happy that you're here! My name is Crystal Summer Bear, I am an avid traveler, solopreneur and boutique portrait and wedding photographer.
I love to share tips, tricks and beautiful stories that connect us all.
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