As we walked and chatted Romita shivered with cold on this brisk San Francisco summer day. It is the middle of August and yet the chill in the air bites like that of winter. Romita and I had been planning this San Francisco photo shoot for several months. What started out as a lovely June engagement session ended up being an uncharacteristically cold August session.
Dressed in a gorgeous black and white sleeveless cocktail dress, she smiled through the goosebumps and cutting wind as we walked along the beautiful path that runs along Stowe lake. Stopping at the beautiful waterfall and stairs that wind up to the tippy top, Romita gingering took off her fiances jacket and happily cozied up to her future hubby for some absolutely beautiful images!
Although the skies were overcast and the weather was anything but favorable, this beautiful location can create a magical backdrop for any engagement session. Nestled not far from the waterfall is a Japanese Gazebo, whose bright red paint surrounded by a quaint little bridge and a gorgeous little garden is absolutely the perfect location for those giggling moments between a soon to be wed couple. After a year and half of dating these two sweet lovebirds are so happy to be tiring the knot this fall!
Wanting to showcase a more formal side to themselves we took a little trip to the Palace of the Fine Arts for some absolutely beautiful shots of this landmark light up in the dark of night. The darker it got the more amazing the Palace looked. This is one of my favorite locations to shoot, however, I normally do so at that ever-popular golden hour….there is something magical about risking some image quality to get breathtaking shot like the one below. We laughed as the night got colder and colder and hour fingers and toes started to go numb…what is there to do but just laugh through challenges such as these, lol. It is sessions like these that make me so thankful to be living in such a diverse and beautiful area of the country! Congratulations to Romita and Abhishek! I hope they have decades of happiness together.
Feel free to take a look at my full portfolio at your leisure:)
I am so happy that you're here! My name is Crystal Summer Bear, I am an avid traveler, solopreneur and boutique portrait and wedding photographer.
I love to share tips, tricks and beautiful stories that connect us all.
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